Remove all of North Carolina from the blue zone.
It won’t be safe.
Perhaps at one time, it could had been.
But the people are most rebellious and wicked. So now it’s been taken off.
Also remove the Chattanooga Tennessee area, and also remove the city of Knoxville.
Remove all of the coastlines of South Carolina and Georgia.
Areas within circles are powerfully judged/condemned by Jesus, as well as all areas that are not shaded in blue.
Even if you get to the right locations, you will still be condemned by Jesus if you don’t repent of:
Ash Wednesday, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day,
Sunday observance,
Sunday churches,
belief in a trinity,
support of the Democrat parties,
rejection of the Saturday Sabbath sunrise to sunrise,
rejection of the biblical holy days,
rejection of the name of JESUS,
belief in the letter Y names,
support of Putin,
support of Biden,
worship of Trump,
support of Assad,
belief in “flat Earth”,
belief in pre-tribulation rapture,
support of the Orthodox and/or Catholic churches,
rejection of giving tithes,
rejection of the requirement of baptism,
support of women ruling society/churches/business/government/families,
support of abortion,
belief in KJV only,
rejection of the true prophecies,
worship of sports,
horror movies,
most video games,
and many, many other sins.