News & Edifications Digest April 7
FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court.
USA: Purchase any incandescent light bulbs that you can ASAP. They will be completely banned in August. The LED lights are extremely bad for our health. They are literally trying to kill us.
Videogame industry and culture is a cesspool of filth like this.
But when will any of these designers/publishers be arrested and prosecuted for encouraging demonic anti-Christian acts of violence?
Miley Cyrus Donates to an LGBTQ Organization that Targets Children After an Elementary School Bans her ‘Rainbowland’ Song
Bud Light Puts "Transgender" Man in Dress on Cans
Anheuser-Busch goes "woke".
Click here to send your email to express concern to Anheuser-Busch officials regarding its trans spokesperson for Bud Light.
The fiesta in John 5:1 absolutely must be Purim.
Because notice John 6:4 says that Passover was near.
Notice that there's no time passage between 5:1 and 6:4.
The last fiesta before Passover is Purim.
Only 30 days between those dates.
So it had to had been Purim since it was a Fiesta very near the time of Passover.
Also the fact that 5:9 says that it was the 7th day, instead of saying that it was a "high day" (compare John 19:31), so it wasn't any of the "high holy days". Purim is a lesser fiesta, not being a Sabbath High Holy Day.
So in the next AOB update:
John 5:1 Replace note as follows: (This must be referring to Purim. Possibly 28 or 32 A.D. The reason is that 6:4 says that Passover was near. The last fiesta before Passover is Purim. There's very little or no time passage between these verses, therefore it was near, but before Passover. There's no other possibility. Also the fact that 5:9 says that it was the 7th day, instead of saying that it was a "high day" [compare John 19:31], so it wasn't any of the "high holy days". Purim is a lesser fiesta, not being a Sabbath High Holy Day. It's also probably unlikely that they would even be allowed to be by the pool on a High Holy Day.)
"When you appear in public without first combing your hair, you present yourself as either extremely lazy or mentally unstable."
Apostle Zimmerman
Recommended video: Easter, Idols and God
(United Church of God. Not I Saw The Light Ministries)
When Was Jesus Actually Buried and When Did He Actually Rise from the Grave?
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(+Live services every Saturday + every high holy day at 10:50 a.m. Eastern Time Zone.)