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Daniel 12:1-12
“Old Greek” version of verse 4 (As shown in The Alpha & Omega Bible) The world to become full of violence.
It’s not going to get better. It’s not going to stay the same. It’s only going to get much, much worse.
Don’t be surprised. But rather, expect it. It’s going to happen.
Daniel 11:40-45 The attack against Assad/Damascus (“the deadly head wound” of Revelation 13:3, Isaiah 7:8 Isaiah 17:1) that propels him into action.
Rather than a “peace treaty”, the antichrist comes to power via war, even as his “family”/predecessors did before him.
Daniel 11:40 “Old Greek” version of Daniel identifies “the king of the south” as being Egypt.
The king of the north = Turkey/NATO/USA + the king of the south, Egypt to attack Assad in a very major campaign. Then Assad will invade and conquer Egypt and then into Israel and other nations.
Matthew 24:1-31 End time events to watch for. Includes coming of false Christs, the main false Christ, and false prophets. Never a building of a temple. Not a coming of the true Christ until after the Great Tribulation is finished.
Revelation 13:
The end time Son of Perdition (the main antichrist Bashar Assad) to dominate the entire world, every nation including all western nations. No safety in fleeing to vacation beaches.
Most people (people of all religions) to worship the antichrist. They will obey him and report people who refuse. One world government and one world religion. NWO.
Image of the beast = the Black Stone of Mecca. Not hologram for same reason that the antichrist’s appearance in the sky won’t be fake electronic trick of “Project Blue Beam”. Spiritual manifestations.
Revelation 13:15 A demon spirit will be in the Black Stone of Mecca. It’s going to be a demonic manifestation, not some cheap electronic trick.
Mark of the beast: When compared to Exodus 13:6-16 Deuteronomy 11:16-22, we must confess that the mark of the beast is spiritual submission to any false religion especially pagan holidays such as Sunday, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, All Saints Day, The Day of the Dead, Ash Wednesday, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Islamic holidays, Buddhism, Hinduism, as well as rejection of Jesus name, etc.
Revelation 13:1 compared to 14:1 True name of God, Jesus, compared to Assyrian (fake Hebrew) names of false Christ Yeshua/Yahshua Yahweh, Jehovah, YHWH. Assyrian antichrist, Assyrian/Roman Assyrian holidays, Assyrian names.
The physical counterpart of the mark of the beast is Islamic Sharia Law via the halal mark.
Ezekiel 38 Invasion of the British-Israel nations.
Prophetic dreams:
Russian, Chinese invasions
Hoover Dam, Great Coulee Dam
Title 42 expired: Huge number of foreigners brought into the USA 2 nights ago and continuing. Paid with free debit cards and free mobile cell phones and free bus travel to cities across America. Democrat party paying for this, for the purpose of increasing the number of people voting for Democrats, to help accomplish the goal of communism in the USA, and to make Mexico, Canada and the USA one nation, to increase globalism.
Education in this time frame is in vain. It won’t result in better pay/jobs 2 years from now.
It uses up valuable time and money/resources from current needs, food, the gospel, prepping, etc.
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