Today is February 14. One month from March 14th Purim.
There is most likely to occur a huge major event soon in order to help propel the Purim fulfillment.
And I believe that the event that we are waiting for is the Israeli attack on Iran.
They believe that Iran is producing nuclear missiles and that they must take action very soon now and Trump has already given the permission and his blessing.
Israel has attacked Iranian nuclear facilities more than once previously in history. But it's going to be different this time because Iran already owes Israel a revenge military attack already.
And Iran feels backed into a corner now more than ever before.
They feel their regime is threatened greatly by the Trump Administration and by Israel's victories against Hamas, Hezbollah & Syria and the fact that Trump is about to conduct major war against the Iranian backed militaries in Yemen.
So Iran is backed into a corner and so is Assad.
I am also reminded of the Bible verse that says when they are proclaiming peace peace, then sudden destruction shall come. Right now the entire world is expecting a major peace treaty between Trump and Putin, Russia and Ukraine.
Perhaps that deal will be signed very soon or maybe not. But it fits the description of everybody thinking we're going to have World Peace when actually World War 3 may be only 60 days away.
So I wanted everyone to know that I think that we are watching for the coming Israeli attack on Iran.
I am also concerned for the safety of the American president. Because he and his administration is destroying a lot of the work of the communists that has been accomplished for decades in America.
And that might be another reason also why the 666 nations are eager to invade America very soon.