Page 26: Be Careful Little Eyes.
Page 6: This Little Light Of Mine.
Page 17: I Saw The Light.
Page 47: How Great Thou Art.
Daniel 12:3 In Paradise, we will shine brightly. (Quoted in Matthew 13:43-43)
Miracle last night: After 8:30 pm (20:30) I found that my laptop was off, for some unknown reason. I had to push the power button to turn it back on. The computer/Microsoft randomly picked a picture to display at the password sign-in screen. That image was of the universe.
It’s no coincidence that much earlier in the day that I had chosen an image of the universe for the background image for the live Mixlr broadcast for our Last Great Day sermon. (Representing the new universe and Paradise, represented by The Last Great Day.)
The lights in those images, reminds me of the saints of God, which shall become (and are lights.)
Revelation 1 (Entire chapter.)
Next holy day is Hanukkah, The Fiesta of Lights, December 8-15.
Representing that Jesus will sustain/preserve us through darkness/trials/tests. That even though darkness and difficult times come, we have the reality/promise of victory in the end.
The 7 lights menorah of Hanukkah of Revelation 1-3 reminds us that the true church/saints is the body of Christ. That we are lights inside the light of Christ. That we are members of one another. One church, but individual congregations and members thereof the single one true church.
Verse 14: His eyes of fire. Please see note of divine revelation at end of sermon notes.
Notice also in chapters 2-3, how that the word of God goes through John, to the pastors of each church, then to the congregations/members.
Consider also that each pastor/church would receive only one letter at the beginning, only the section written specifically to them, but eventually they would receive the entire book of Revelation. Therefore, there would be a gradual process of revelation and understanding.
And they would not see/hear/read/know of the entire book/bible until later.
The “angels” of each of the 7 church eras, are not angels but pastors/apostles. Each pastor/apostle of each new church era would eventually die and be replaced with the next servant that God would choose to lead the next church era, even until our time and beyond. The gate of the grave (Hades, Hell) would not prevail against the church. The church and the leadership offices (and gifts of the spirit) of the church would not cease to exist in any church era. There would always be someone sitting in the seat of Moses/Paul/John/Herbert/Tim.
Philippians 2:12-17 We are lights in this dark and perverse/wicked world.
Shouldn’t be idolizing/advertising Hollywood actors, singers, bands, “Super heroes” which are counterfeits of God’s anointed people. Teach children instead to honor Samson, Samuel, Daniel, etc.
Matthew 5:13-16 Don’t hide your light. We need to be involved in distribution of gospel tracts, which you can print from
On the same page, you can print fliers and also bible studies that are great for family and friends.
Revelation 22:5 Jesus is not only the water of life, and our temple/tabernacle in Paradise, and The Tree of Life in Paradise, but He is also our Light in Paradise. He’s also all of these things to the true church now.
Light points the way in darkness. Light destroys darkness. Light exposes the hidden things.
Light provides/gives life. Light reveals. Gives understanding.
Divine Revelation: At the end of the sermon, brother Adri in South Africa told us that he was looking at the blue lights on the speaker box that they were using for listening to the sermon broadcast. That it reminded him of the flames in Jesus eyes. It reminded me that when reading Revelation 1:14, that the words “blue eyes” came to my mind. And it also reminded me that blue flames are the hottest flames. Red flames are actually the lowest temperature flames. It only makes sense that because the presence of God upon the Earth will melt mountains after the Great White Throne Judgment, that the fire of God, The Lake of Fire, would be blue, not red. The traditional rendering/image of The Lake of Fire, as being red, is wrong.
We praise Jesus for this divine revelation, additional truth, that He is teaching us.
Later after the sermon, I was also reminded of this:
Exodus 24:10 “And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone (blue), and as it were the body of Heaven in His clearness.”
When we look up at the sky, we see blue. Blue is the color of the floor of Heaven. That blue is fire/light.